Individual Ayahuasca Retreats

in Peru starting from 1500 USD


“Home of Ayahuasca” offers the key to profound transformation. Discover the secret to harmony and unleash your potential in the jungles of Peru. 



Home of Ayahuasca is the place where you create your new reality. It represents a powerful breakthrough, where weeks can feel like years of ordinary life in terms of change intensity. 

We offer authentic retreats rooted in traditions that span thousands of years. 

Our 100% personalized approach is designed for individuals seeking more than just a journey—it’s for those in pursuit of real transformation. 

We will guide you through an experience that propels you into a new stage of life. 

Аяваска ретрит

Ayahuasca retreats at Home of Ayahuasca offer:







The work was amazing, Ayahuasca helped me to release the most entrenched traumas that didn’t even know I had, to remove the blockages that prevented me from moving through life confidently and calmly, being alive, me to be yourself. Couldn’t achieve such a result if I worked with a psychologist (don’t mean to diminish their work in any way), in the retreat the work happens with great intensity and efficiency.


Years ago, our personal experiences led us to understand the stark difference between the typical Ayahuasca experiences marketed to tourists and the ancient traditions that emphasize a personal approach and solitude. 

This insight has enabled us to offer 100% authentic retreats where the magic of Ayahuasca can truly unfold. 

Thanks to this profound magic, you will emerge transformed, equipped with new knowledge and opportunities, and able to unlock your potential at an accelerated pace.

Every participant, without exception, has reported that this experience ranks among the top five most transformative events in their lives regarding personal development. 

A remarkable 87% of them stated that this experience was the most productive of all. 

*The survey on the impact of the ayahuasca retreat on daily life was conducted an average of 10 months after the retreat.

What Challenges Do Our Ayahuasca Retreats Address? 



Rediscovering the meaning of life


Overcoming depression


Resolving psychosomatic issues


Addressing health concerns


Breaking through creative blocks


Alleviating fears and anxieties


Solving relationship issues


Other personal challenges

Аяваска ретрит с домом аяваски

Our Distinctive Approach 


Exclusive Non-Tourist Experience


At our retreat, each participant engages in a personal journey, distinct from group ceremonies. We prioritize privacy and a distraction-free environment, enhancing your capacity to focus on personal objectives.

Our camps are intimate, accommodating a maximum of five individuals. The layout is meticulously designed to ensure that guests do not cross paths during their retreat, maintaining a serene and private atmosphere for everyone. Each of our individual houses features transparent walls and is strategically placed at a distance from one another, guaranteeing privacy.

Surrounded by the untouched wilderness of the jungle, you’ll find yourself immersed in nature’s tranquility.

Guests are invited to embrace the natural lifestyle fully, including taking water treatments in the river and cooking meals over an open flame.


Жилье аяваска ретрит
Растения для аяваска ретвитов

A Diverse Spectrum of Healing Plants 


We work with a wide range of plants for healing, removing psychological and psychosomatic blocks, spiritual development, and shamanistic practices.

The Amazon jungle is home to some of the strongest plants on the planet. Our work involves comprehensive engagement with all aspects of the body, consciousness, and subconsciousness, offering a holistic approach to well-being and personal development.

Unparalleled Flexibility in Healing 


Our retreats are unique because we customize them for each person. We carefully choose the Ayahuasca mix and other plants, including herbal saunas, teas, and baths with herbs and clay, to meet each participant’s specific needs.

This personalized approach lets us deeply explore each person’s journey in a way regular group retreats can’t match.

We adjust our retreats to fit each individual’s goals, making sure they get the most effective and transformative experience possible.

Индивидуальные аяваска ретвиты
аяваска ретрит сопровождение

Comprehensive Support for Your Journey 


Together with you, we craft a personalized retreat plan. This includes selecting the right plants and recommending effective practices, like meditation, tailored to your needs. 

You’ll have the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with a retreat facilitator. Whenever necessary, psychological support is available, though our primary focus is on fostering your independence. 

Many of our participants find themselves confidently engaging with teacher plants on their own following their initial retreat, testament to the empowering nature of our approach. 

Our differences


Exclusive Non-Tourist Experience


At our retreat, each participant engages in a personal journey, distinct from group ceremonies. We prioritize privacy and a distraction-free environment, enhancing your capacity to focus on personal objectives.

Our camps are intimate, accommodating a maximum of five individuals. The layout is meticulously designed to ensure that guests do not cross paths during their retreat, maintaining a serene and private atmosphere for everyone. Each of our individual houses features transparent walls and is strategically placed at a distance from one another, guaranteeing privacy.

Surrounded by the untouched wilderness of the jungle, you’ll find yourself immersed in nature’s tranquility.

Guests are invited to embrace the natural lifestyle fully, including taking water treatments in the river and cooking meals over an open flame.


Жилье аяваска ретрит

A Diverse Spectrum of Healing Plants 


We work with a wide range of plants for healing, removing psychological and psychosomatic blocks, spiritual development, and shamanistic practices.

The Amazon jungle is home to some of the strongest plants on the planet. Our work involves comprehensive engagement with all aspects of the body, consciousness, and subconsciousness, offering a holistic approach to well-being and personal development.

Растения для аяваска ретвитов

Unparalleled Flexibility in Healing 


Our retreats are unique because we customize them for each person. We carefully choose the Ayahuasca mix and other plants, including herbal saunas, teas, and baths with herbs and clay, to meet each participant’s specific needs.

This personalized approach lets us deeply explore each person’s journey in a way regular group retreats can’t match.

We adjust our retreats to fit each individual’s goals, making sure they get the most effective and transformative experience possible.


Индивидуальные аяваска ретвиты

Comprehensive Support for Your Journey 


Together with you, we craft a personalized retreat plan. This includes selecting the right plants and recommending effective practices, like meditation, tailored to your needs. 

You’ll have the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with a retreat facilitator. Whenever necessary, psychological support is available, though our primary focus is on fostering your independence. 

Many of our participants find themselves confidently engaging with teacher plants on their own following their initial retreat, testament to the empowering nature of our approach. 


аяваска ретрит сопровождение

Why Choose Us for an Effective Journey? 


Development of independence

Our retreat empowers you to make decisions independently and address your issues head-on. For those eager to learn about working with magical plants on their own, “Home of Ayahuasca” provides all necessary tools and support to guide you. 

Deep and sustainable changes

With Mother Ayahuasca’s guidance, you’ll experience profound physical, mental, and energetic transformations. Our retreat’s structure is designed to liberate and focus your energy on building robust health and a forward-looking business. 

The power of the Amazon jungle

Immerse yourself in an environment that accelerates self-improvement, surrounded by the jungle’s plants, animals, and spirits. This pristine and wild setting infuses you with a vibrant, joyful energy often absent from daily life. 

Great experience and safety

With over 15 years of operation, “Home of Ayahuasca” has perfected the art of conducting retreats that are both highly effective and completely safe. We ensure a transformative experience tailored to your well-being. 

Ayahuasca Retreats at “Home of Ayahuasca” Offer: 


the path to deep purification and development

Engage in profound self-exploration and growth, cleansing both mind and spirit. 


Powerful Physical and Subconscious Cleansing

Utilize a potent method to detoxify your physical body and clear your subconscious, paving the way for renewed vitality. 


A New Direction in Life

Discover and embark upon new pathways in your personal and professional life, guided by deep introspection and enlightenment. 


Awareness and Potential Unleashed

Cultivate heightened awareness and tap into your latent potential, unlocking abilities and talents previously hidden. Cultivate heightened awareness and tap into your latent potential, unlocking abilities and talents previously hidden. 


Freedom from Limiting Beliefs and Addictions

Employ this powerful tool to shed psychological burdens, overcoming entrenched stereotypes, traumas, and dependencies.


Access to Transcendental Knowledge

Open yourself to receiving insights and wisdom from beyond the conventional, expanding your understanding of the universe and your place within it. 

Цветок аяваски
What Actually Occurs During an Ayahuasca Retreat? Why Should I Consider Participating?

Imagine arriving in the jungle and stepping into a simple, uncluttered house. It’s designed for solitude, stripping away the excess of everyday life. Surrounding you are the vibrant sounds of the jungle, visible through transparent walls that keep you connected with nature. Sunrises, sunsets, the ever-changing weather, and the lively activities of birds, insects, and monkeys fill every moment.

Initially, thoughts and worries may persist, but as days pass, your mind and body gradually attune to the natural world.

Ayahuasca works to purify your body, untangle psychological blocks, and impart new insights, with the jungle supporting every step. This environment allows you to step back and view your life from a new perspective, uncovering insights and patterns previously obscured by routine.

In this setting, you shed unnecessary burdens from your mind, body, and life, finding your true self. You learn to listen to your soul and rebuild your inner strength, setting goals with clarity and pursuing them with joy and confidence.

This journey requires dedication, stretching over weeks or months, depending on your commitment. As you progress, you gain deeper understanding and make discoveries about yourself. Reflecting on your journey, you’ll appreciate the time spent here, nurturing a better future for yourself.

This experience unveils what truly matters: health, joy, harmony, inspiration, and meaning. Returning from the jungle, you’ll be rejuvenated, ready to infuse your life with new energy and reshape it with newfound wisdom. The world opens up in response to your inner growth, guiding you towards new paths.

Ayahuasca Retreat Benefits



Body Detox

Cleanse and heal your body


New Strategies

Learn effective life strategies


Body Knowledge

Understand your body better


Habit Review

Rethink habits and beliefs


Emotional Clarity

Clear obstructive emotions


New Perspective

See the world anew

An Ayahuasca retreat opens new horizons, enabling you to discover your role in harmony with Mother Nature and the Universe

Our main retreats



This retreat centers around the Ayahuasca vine and its namesake brew. Crafted with various components tailored to individual goals, Ayahuasca takes the lead, guiding the overall journey. Supplementary plants work in harmony within Ayahuasca’s direction, interacting uniquely with each participant. 

Chiric Sanango

Focused on the nervous system, Chiric Sanango fortifies nerves to become as resilient as steel and reinforces one’s inner core. It targets bones and joints, aiding in the severance of energy ties to past events, and enhances dreaming and visionary capabilities. 


Known as the dream conductor, Camalonga cultivates the dream or astral body, fostering consciousness within dreams. Participants often experience their first lucid dreams early in their retreats, adopting an active role within these nocturnal journeys. 

San Pedro Cactus

This cactus is a catalyst for building harmonious connections with the world, people, animals, and nature. It boosts emotional intelligence, dispels loneliness, and nurtures the soul through creativity and action, opening the heart to new experiences. 

We work with more than 30 species of different plants. You can view detailed information about all our retreats by clicking on the button below.

Ayahuasca retreat prices for 2024-2025


The retreat program is tailored individually for each participant. Alongside the primary leading plant, additional supporting plants may be incorporated into the retreat, subject to compatibility with the leading plant. A list of the plants we work with is available here. The duration of the initial retreat ranges from 1 to 4 weeks.


Long retreats

The duration and price of healing retreats (working with serious illnesses) is determined on an individual basis.


Embark on a Journey to Yourself

— book your Individual Ayahuasca Retreat Right Now!

Before submitting your application, please read the site materials. To ensure a high quality retreat, we had to limit the number of participants. If you are planning to join our program, please reserve your place in advance.


Apply for an Ayahuasca Retreat

With privacy policy and public offer

Frequently Asked Questions


How should I prepare for the retreat?

To start, please fill out the Application Form. We’ll tailor the program specifically for you and provide all necessary preparation instructions. The general advice is to moderate your diet and scale back on energy-intensive activities leading up to the trip, though there’s no need for extremes. Continue living your life comfortably and normally

What should I do in the process?

Stay present and attuned to your experiences, listen to and trust Ayahuasca. She understands you better than anyone else and will guide you precisely where you need to go.

Is it safe?

When prepared correctly, Ayahuasca is safe. We ensure the highest quality of Ayahuasca, brewed by experts with a profound understanding of plant medicine. Ayahuasca, the Master plant, fosters awareness and harmony. Participants maintain self-awareness throughout the experience, quickly recognizing the profound and beneficial insights Ayahuasca offers. A special diet is crucial during the retreat, which is why we provide specific foods and advise against bringing any from home.

How long do the effects of Ayahuasca last?

This varies by individual. Generally, the heightened sense of energy and awareness can last from 4 to 6 months post-retreat. You’ll notice new opportunities, feel more adaptable, and see choices previously overlooked. It’s an ideal period for life restructuring. The more actively you engage with this state, the better your chances of making these changes permanent.

Can Ayahuasca solve financial problems

Indeed, it can! While not inexpensive, the investment in an Ayahuasca retreat often yields significant returns. Ayahuasca fosters new neural pathways, enabling more efficient resource optimization and redistribution post-retreat. Many individuals find themselves changing careers or starting new ventures. Energy-level shifts also contribute to financial improvements, simplifying tasks that once seemed daunting.

I'm vegan/vegetarian. Can I maintain my diet during the retreat?

For those new to Ayahuasca, we can accommodate diets aligned with vegan or vegetarian beliefs. In more intensive shamanic and healing retreats, incorporating fish might be recommended for additional energy. We’re committed to supporting your dietary needs throughout your journey.

Home of Ayahuasca
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