Plant Medicine

Retreats in Peru


Amazonian medicinal plants enhance your health and swiftly guide you through complex psychological, emotional, and daily challenges.

The plant medicine retreat program is tailored specifically to each individual’s needs.


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Our individual retreats are grounded in Amazonian Plant Medicine, serving as a gateway to spiritual awakening and renewal. This Plant Medicine retreat is designed to unlock a person’s full potential, initiating profound personal change. The retreat program is customized from a selection of over 30 plants, ensuring a deeply transformative experience.


Dive into the realm of Amazonian power plants, where our extensive expertise ensures you receive the most impactful retreat program tailored to your needs.

Растения силы из Амазонки

Amazonian plant medicine retreat is a:







Amazonian medicinal plants are not just gifts of nature, but experienced guides to new horizons of self-knowledge and inner development.

Your rebirth begins here, with us – experts in diving into the depths of your inner potential


Remember yourself right now

Plant Medicine Retreats


Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca is the most powerful Teacher plant on the planet. It is the foundation of a traditional healing drink that has been used for millennia by indigenous peoples of South America.

It helps overcome physical ailments, psychological problems, and spiritual crises, leading to a deep understanding of oneself and the world. Scientific research has shown that ayahuasca enhances awareness and creative abilities, improves memory and learning capacity, and can effectively alleviate depression, addictions, and psychological traumas. 

An Ayahuasca retreat offers an opportunity to connect with oneself and integrate the changes achieved during the process into everyday life. 


Растение силы Аяваска
Чирик-сананго растение силы

Chiric Sanango Retreat

Chiric Sanango is a little-known but incredibly powerful Teacher plant that primarily works with the nervous system. It unravels the knots of nerves, strengthens the body, and helps remove energetic connections to past events.

Chiric Sanango can dismantle neural connections of the psyche and help build fundamentally new connections that lead to mastering the energy body. It is effective in eliminating dependencies, destructive behavioral patterns, and serves as a guide to the energetic Universe.

A retreat with Chiric Sanango provides an opportunity for self-restoration and gaining strength and resilience for both everyday life and journeys into the unknown.

Camalonga Retreat

Camalonga is a Master plant that helps to shape and strengthen the dreaming body, or astral body. Ancient shamans and healers used it to develop the “second body” and learn to control it. Lacking control over the dreaming body can lead to dire consequences such as physical illnesses, complex life situations, and psychological disorders. 

A retreat with Camalonga requires a disciplined approach, but the benefits can change one’s life. By taking control of dream attention and developing this skill, one can achieve wisdom and wholeness.


Инновационный хаб

San Pedro Cactus Retreat

San Pedro Cactus, also known as Wachuma, has the longest documented history of use in healing, spanning at least 6,000 years.

San Pedro helps to establish a relationship with the world, live creatively, find new solutions, and improve emotional intelligence. It teaches harmonious relationships with people and frees one from loneliness. It unlocks telepathic abilities.

Plant Medicine Retreats


Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca is the most powerful Teacher plant on the planet. It is the foundation of a traditional healing drink that has been used for millennia by indigenous peoples of South America.

It helps overcome physical ailments, psychological problems, and spiritual crises, leading to a deep understanding of oneself and the world. Scientific research has shown that ayahuasca enhances awareness and creative abilities, improves memory and learning capacity, and can effectively alleviate depression, addictions, and psychological traumas. 

An Ayahuasca retreat offers an opportunity to connect with oneself and integrate the changes achieved during the process into everyday life. 

Растение силы Аяваска

Chiric Sanango Retreat

Chiric Sanango is a little-known but incredibly powerful Teacher plant that primarily works with the nervous system. It unravels the knots of nerves, strengthens the body, and helps remove energetic connections to past events.

Chiric Sanango can dismantle neural connections of the psyche and help build fundamentally new connections that lead to mastering the energy body. It is effective in eliminating dependencies, destructive behavioral patterns, and serves as a guide to the energetic Universe.

A retreat with Chiric Sanango provides an opportunity for self-restoration and gaining strength and resilience for both everyday life and journeys into the unknown.

Чирик-сананго растение силы

Camalonga Retreat

Camalonga is a Master plant that helps to shape and strengthen the dreaming body, or astral body. Ancient shamans and healers used it to develop the “second body” and learn to control it. Lacking control over the dreaming body can lead to dire consequences such as physical illnesses, complex life situations, and psychological disorders. 

A retreat with Camalonga requires a disciplined approach, but the benefits can change one’s life. By taking control of dream attention and developing this skill, one can achieve wisdom and wholeness.


San Pedro Cactus Retreat

San Pedro Cactus, also known as Wachuma, has the longest documented history of use in healing, spanning at least 6,000 years.

San Pedro helps to establish a relationship with the world, live creatively, find new solutions, and improve emotional intelligence. It teaches harmonious relationships with people and frees one from loneliness. It unlocks telepathic abilities.

Инновационный хаб

Additional Plant Medicine


Ajo Sacha - the strongest Teacher of the mind

Ajo Sacha is one of the most powerful medicinal plants in the jungle. It detoxifies the body, increases resistance to diseases, and clears the mind, making it calm and clear. It can teach a person how to heal oneself and others using jungle plants and become a forest shaman.

A shamanic retreat with Ajo Sacha is possible for those already familiar with the plant and it can last from 1 to 6 months, including complete isolation in the jungle without any social interactions. This retreat is for strong and courageous individuals who wish to immerse themselves in shamanism or healing.

Mapacho Sacred Tobacco

This is a white medicine plant, a teacher plant and a great healer. It can be taken in different ways: smoke, drink, douse. Mapacho smoke purifies the energy of man and space.

Mapacho is a companion to Ayahuasca. It has great power to cure many diseases. Mapacho infusion effectively cleanses the physical body, blood, intestines, and gets rid of parasites, viruses and bacteria. It removes blocks, fears, helps to form intent and shows your way. We can say that it allows you to cross the fine line between the material and spiritual world.

Sananga - healer of the eyes and soul

Sananga is most often used in the form of eye drops. It is known for its ability to cleanse not only the eyes, but also the soul on a subtle energy level. Sananga harmonizes the energy imbalance in your eyes, improves vision, helps get rid of dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma and much more.

However, its effect goes beyond vision: it increases mental clarity, emotional stability, cleanses the “third eye” - the pineal gland, and strengthens the connection with the astral body. Essentially, Sananga bridges the gap between the physical and the spiritual by aligning your intentions and opening the door to deep experiences.

Ohe (Oje) is a huge powerful tree growing in the jungle

Sap of Oje cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract from worms, parasites and pathogenic bacteria. Ohe works not only on the physical level, but also activates your energy.

The purification process takes several hours and may be not very easy. It is necessary to drink 6-8 liters of water. Process is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

All tribes of the Amazon Basin conduct this cleansing ceremony 1-2 times a year.

Sacha Mangua - the plant from which the retreat begins

We often use it at the beginning of a retreat.

One of the means of cleaning and preparing the body. The fruits of Sacha Mangua, or Singa, are quite edible and healthy. But the bone of this fruit is used for healing. Juice prepared from it in a special way treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat as well as traumatic brain injuries. This plant medicine reaches the most secluded corners on an energetic level and restores flows in the head area, even if the injury or illness no longer bothers you. Singa clears the path to awareness and vision.

Uña de Gato or Cat's Claw

This liana has received its name because of thorns looks like cat claws. It is considered a natural antibiotic and very useful. Locals use it as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant agent, immuno stimulator and immunomodulator. It has antiseptic, hemostatic effects.

Cat's Claw increases the organism ability to resist negative effects of the environment, chemistry and radiation, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, parasites. It cures arthritis, myocardial infarction, cancer. Cat's Claw, like Chuchuashi, goes well with Ayahuasca and is used in the process of retreat as a tea.

Murure - a mighty ally, strengthening willpower and the digestive tract

Murure has numerous health benefits, from treating gastrointestinal disorders to strengthening the immune system and supporting self-healing.

Murure provides strength and motivation, enhances willpower, and helps align the energetic flows that shape life events in a favorable manner. This makes it an ideal plant for those seeking to harmonize the material aspects of life and improve overall well-being.

Rapé - sacred snuff tobacco

Rapé, also known as "rapeh," is a sacred snuff tobacco used in the culture of indigenous peoples of the Amazon. It is prepared from a mixture of finely ground mapacho (a powerful healing plant) and various medicinal herbs.

Rapé is administered through a special pipe and primarily affects the head area, cleansing the nasal passages and relieving headaches. It also has emotional and spiritual benefits, improving focus and fostering a stronger connection with nature and the spiritual realm. Rapé is used both in ayahuasca retreats and in everyday life, helping to sustain and expand spiritual work.

Herbal baths and mud

At our camp we recommend not using household chemicals. You will have several types of healing mud and herbal baths at your disposal for various purposes. Human skin is the border between the physical and the energetic. This is a huge organ that also plays an important role in working with plant medicine.

Various herbal baths with the extracts of Amazonia plants open the skin border, sharpening the feelings and perception. Plants remove fears, increase attention and sexual energy. In addition, herbal baths and mud are antiseptic, stimulate skin regeneration, moisturize and protect it.

Achiote (Annatto)

With roots in the healing and martial arts traditions of Central and South America, Achiote has profound healing and energy-boosting properties.

From protection to unlocking feminine energy and maintaining inner purity, Achiote contains power that promotes overall well-being and spiritual growth. Achiote is an important component of our retreats.

Herbal sauna

A herbal steam sauna is a unique and profound interaction with the magic of plants. Unlike traditional saunas, our jungle sauna offers a private space for up to two people.

A herbal sauna is often held at the beginning of a retreat for general cleansing of the body and introduction to a special form of interaction with plants through the four elements.


Chacruna is one of the main plants used to prepare the ayahuasca drink. We use different compositions of ayahuasca in our retreats, both with and without the addition of chacruna.

Chacruna helps a person increase the speed of perception in order to become aware of aspects of the world that do not reach a conscious level in everyday life.

Why is it effective with us?



Great experience and safety


Excellent expertise in plant medicine


Ongoing individual practice


Living in harmony with nature

Дом Аяваски логотип

What will the Plant Medicine retreat give you?



Body Detox

Cleanse and heal your body


New Strategies

Learn effective life strategies


Body Knowledge

Understand your body better


Habit Review

Rethink habits and beliefs


Emotional Clarity

Clear obstructive emotions


New Perspective

See the world anew

A Plant Medicine retreat allows you to open new horizons and realize your role in harmony with nature and the Universe

Before submitting your application, please read the site materials. To ensure a high quality retreat, we had to limit the number of participants. If you are planning to join our program, please reserve your place in advance.


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