In the modern world, where we are bombarded daily with an endless stream of...
Awareness – How to achieve it instantly?
Give up on any practices related to awareness, ALL of them. Stay true to...
Attitude to the world
Much time ago people knew how to relate to any phenomenon. Today this ability...
Discipline of attention
You can never predict the direction in which Ayahuasca will lead you. This...
How to increase female sexual energy?
Recently, this is a very popular query, flickering on the Internet, which is...
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Retreat Reviews
The work was amazing. Ayahuasca helped pull out the most stuck traumas that I didn’t even know about, remove the blocks that prevented me from walking through life with confidence and calm, being truly alive, being myself. I could not achieve such a result by working with a psychologist (I am not at all belittling their work now); in a retreat, the work occurs with great intensity and efficiency.
What happens on the retreat in the jungle
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458 11780
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Retreat Reviews
The work was amazing. Ayahuasca helped pull out the most stuck traumas that I didn’t even know about, remove the blocks that prevented me from walking through life with confidence and calm, being truly alive, being myself. I could not achieve such a result by working with a psychologist (I am not at all belittling their work now); in a retreat, the work occurs with great intensity and efficiency.