Ayahuasca Retreats: Guidelines and Safety


You may reserve your retreat spot if you are prepared to follow the established safety protocols.


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This page offers comprehensive guides for preparing for, participating in, and integrating your experience post-retreat, along with details on safety protocols at the “Home of Ayahuasca.”

The guidelines aim to enhance the therapeutic benefits of ayahuasca while safeguarding your physical, emotional, and psychological health during the retreat.

I. Preparation before the retreat

А. Medical considerations

Before you arrive at the “Home of Ayahuasca”, it is important to consider your health conditions and medications you may be taking. Please tell us about any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies or sensitivities, and any medications you are currently prescribed. This information allows us to ensure your safety and well-being during your retreat.

first aid kit in the jungle of Peru

Medicines incompatible with ayahuasca:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressants
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • Antipsychotic drugs
  • Stimulants and amphetamines
  • Sedatives and tranquilizers
  • Anti-anxiety medications (benzodiazepines)

If you are taking medications on this list, or any other medications on an ongoing basis, please consult with us and your healthcare provider to discuss the potential risks and determine whether it is safe to participate in an ayahuasca retreat. Our team will provide personalized guidance and support depending on your specific circumstances.

2. Pregnancy.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you must inform us about this, as the use of some plants at these stages is contraindicated. If necessary, we will provide alternative options or recommendations.

3. Mental disorders.
If you have a history of mental health problems or illnesses, please be sure to let us know so we can better understand your needs and offer appropriate support during your retreat. Please be open and honest about your mental health history as this allows us to create a safe and supportive environment for your healing process.

B. Diet and lifestyle recommendations

Preparing your body and mind for an ayahuasca retreat involves following a specific diet and lifestyle. We advise you to adhere to the following recommendations:

ayahuasca retreat preparation, diet

1. Diet
It is important to follow the recommended diet before the retreat. At least 10-14 days before the retreat, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, meat of large animals, dairy and fermented products, legumes, citrus fruits, onions, and garlic from the diet. Read more about the diet before the retreat on the Preparation and Rules page

2. Elimination of psychoactive substances
It is extremely important to eliminate the use of recreational drugs, including marijuana, in the weeks leading up to the retreat. These substances can interfere with the working of ayahuasca and pose a risk to your health.

3. Sexual abstinence
Before the retreat and during your stay at the “Home of Ayahuasca”, we strongly recommend sexual abstinence. Sexual energy is a powerful force that can significantly influence your energetic state and the dynamics of your ayahuasca experience. By abstaining from sexual activity, you allow your energy to focus inward, promoting a deeper connection with the plants and enhancing your capacity for awareness and change.

4. Sleep and rest
Adequate rest and sleep are vital to your physical and mental preparation. Taking time to relax and develop a peaceful state of mind promotes greater receptivity to the ayahuasca experience.

C. Personal intentions and expectations

Setting clear intentions and understanding your expectations for an ayahuasca retreat is an important part of preparation. Take some time for self-reflection and consider the following:

1. Setting Personal Goals
Set intentions and goals that you want to discover or achieve during the retreat. Whether it’s finding new paths, healing emotional wounds, or personal growth, setting goals will allow you to focus your energy and intention during the retreat.

2. Willingness to change and openness to new things
Ayahuasca has the ability to identify areas in your life that may require change and growth. You may become aware of unhealthy patterns, attitudes, or behaviors that are harming you. The desire to acknowledge them and make changes is essential for long-term transformation.

II. Safety and rules during the retreat

A. Safety precautions, procedures and emergency preparedness

1. Qualified and experienced staff
The retreat center is staffed by qualified and experienced facilitators who have extensive training in ayahuasca and plant medicine. They have the knowledge and skills necessary to guide you through your retreat with care and professionalism.

2. Safe and calm environment

  • The retreat center is located in a secluded space surrounded by nature, providing a calm and safe environment for individual work.
  • We have carefully designed all facilities to create a safe and comfortable retreat space. You will live in a separate individual house with a private toilet and bathing area, promoting relaxation, introspection and unity with nature.ayahuasca retreat safety houses

3. Non-interference and protection from external influence

  • The wisdom of ayahuasca immeasurably surpasses any human knowledge and experience. Therefore, your communication with the plant will be 1 on 1 in your own house. In this way, we eliminate the risk of other participants or employees physically, psychologically and energetically influencing your experience.
  • Throughout the retreat, your individual house is your personal space, in which only you are.
  • Staff will never enter the lodge without your explicit consent.
  • Staff will not interfere with communication with ayahuasca and other plants, allowing you to have a direct and unhindered connection with the plant.
  • The “Home of Ayahuasca” does not offer group practices, massages or any other activities that could lead to outside influence. Your experience with ayahuasca will be pure and free from such external influences.

4. Psychological support Working with difficult experiences:

  • Retreat facilitators are skilled at supporting participants during challenging or difficult situations that may arise during an ayahuasca retreat.
  • We provide an open and non-judgmental environment where you can safely express and process your emotions, thoughts and experiences without being judged or having other people’s ideas imposed on you. Integrating Difficult Emotions:
  • We understand that an ayahuasca retreat can evoke strong emotions and bring deep-seated issues to the surface.
  • Retreat facilitators are trained to guide and support you in integrating and navigating these emotions, offering tools and techniques to promote healing and self-understanding.

5. Security measures

  • Health assessment and disclosure. Before registering for the retreat, you must fill out an application form. It is extremely important to provide accurate and detailed information about your medical history, existing medical conditions and any medications you are taking. This information helps ensure your safety and allows us to provide the necessary support and guidance throughout the retreat.
  • The retreat center maintains strict safety protocols to ensure the well-being of all participants.
  • Our facilities are regularly inspected and maintained to safety standards.
  • We provide clear advice on the proper use of facilities and equipment to minimize any risks or accidents.

6. Emergency procedures

Emergency Preparedness:

  • The retreat center has well established emergency procedures to deal with any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies during your retreat.
  • Our staff respond quickly and effectively to ensure your safety and well-being.
  • In the event of an emergency, staff will provide clear instructions and recommendations to ensure your safety. Medical assistance in emergency situations:
  • The retreat center has a well-stocked and easily accessible first aid kit containing basic medical supplies and equipment.
  • Staff are trained in basic first aid procedures to provide initial care and support in the event of an injury or medical incident.
  • Our team includes a professional physician
  • In the event of an emergency, our team will be ready to assist and coordinate any necessary medical care.
B. Ayahuasca dosage and preparation

1. Individual structure of dosage, composition of ayahuasca and retreat regimen
Your needs and goals are unique, and we customize the dosage, composition of ayahuasca, and retreat structure to suit your individual needs. The retreat attendant will assess your physical and emotional state to determine the appropriate dosage, composition of ayahuasca and administration regimen for you. The retreat is structured to provide the most effective and safe experience possible.

2. Methods of preparation and integration with Ayahuasca
Preparing for an ayahuasca experience is critical to maximizing its potential benefits. We provide guidance on how to prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for taking ayahuasca. Retreat facilitators will offer methods and practices to help you connect with plants and support the integration of ideas gained during the retreat.ayahuasca dosage

3. Use of Complementary Plant Medicines
Additional plants may be included in the retreat to enhance the healing effects of ayahuasca. Plants are selected with care and introduced according to your individual needs and intentions. A retreat facilitator will help you understand the specific benefits and recommendations associated with complementary plants. Read more about the plants we work with on the Plant Medicine page.

C. Behavior rules

To ensure your safety, well-being and the best possible experience, we have established the following rules:

jungle space at the ayahuasca retreat in the jungle of Peru

1. Respect for space
The retreat center and its surrounding jungle provide a pure environment for healing and self-discovery. We ask that you treat the space, plants and staff with the utmost respect. This includes following any specific rules and regulations set forth by the retreat center.

2. Compliance with safety instructions
It is important to follow all safety instructions provided by retreat staff. These instructions may include advice on how to navigate the jungle, interact with plants, and ensure your own physical and emotional well-being.

3. Open and honest communication
We encourage open and honest communication throughout your retreat. Share your intentions, concerns and any relevant information about your health or well-being with our team. This allows us to tailor the retreat to your needs and ensure safety and comfort.

4. Confidentiality and privacy
We maintain strict confidentiality regarding any personal information you share with our team. We also ask that you respect the privacy of other retreat participants and refrain from sharing their personal experiences without their consent. Taking photographs, video or audio recordings of other participants and staff is strictly prohibited at the retreat center.

5. Respect for personal boundaries
In a retreat with plants, participants undergo intense processes of physical and psychological transformation. Sometimes even a short conversation can interrupt these processes. Allow each person to have their own unique experience without interference or judgment. Respect physical and emotional boundaries and obtain consent before engaging in any form of interaction.

6. Personal responsibility and self-care
Although our team is dedicated to providing guidance and support, the final outcome of the retreat depends primarily on your personal input. Take responsibility for your experience. Take care of yourself, listen to your needs, take action to achieve your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

III. A Guide to Integrating the Ayahuasca Experience into Daily Life

By actively integrating the ayahuasca experience into your daily life and taking care of your well-being, you are laying the foundation for deep transformation and sustainable, ongoing personal growth.

A. Integration support

supporting the integration of ayahuasca into daily life

  • The ayahuasca experience continues to unfold over the months following the retreat.
  • We provide integration support during and after the retreat to help you process and integrate the ideas gained during your journey.
  • Take advantage of these resources, such as the integration guide, recommended practices, and follow-up consultations, to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the long-term benefits of your retreat.
  • If you have any doubts or difficulties after the retreat, you can always contact us and ask questions.
B. Personal integration practices
  • Integrating the lessons and knowledge gained during the retreat is essential for deep and lasting change.
  • Retreat instructors will recommend integration practices and methods based on your unique needs and intentions.
  • Read and keep the Integration Memo after the retreat.
C. Take care of your well-being

self care, exercise

1. Self-care:

  • Prioritize self-care practices to support your physical, emotional and mental well-being.
  • Engage in activities that promote relaxation and inner peace, such as meditation, gentle exercise, spending time in nature, or creative expression.

2. Developing mindfulness and awareness:

  • Practice mindfulness in your daily activities to deepen your awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns.
  • Developing mindfulness can improve your ability to integrate insights gained from your ayahuasca experience into your daily life.

3. Continuous personal growth:

  • Look for opportunities for growth in every area and detail of your life.
  • Actively implement positive changes in your life

IV. Legal aspects

A. Compliance with local laws and regulations

1. Compliance with Peruvian laws:

  • Home of Ayahuasca, located in Peru, operates in full compliance with local laws and regulations regarding the practice of individual retreats with Ayahuasca and other Amazonian plants.Home of Ayahuasca Travel Agency and Tour Operator Licence issued by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, scanned document
  • We adhere to the legal requirements established by Peruvian law in order to ensure the proper approach to working with healing plants.

2. Proper permits and licenses:

  • Our retreat center has all the necessary permits and licenses needed to conduct individual retreats with Ayahuasca and other Amazonian plants.
  • We prioritize the safety and well-being of our members by following legal guidelines and maintaining transparency in our operations.

If you have any questions or concerns about retreat preparation, safety, ethical, legal or other issues related to the retreat, our team is ready to answer them.


A. General questions about rules and safety

1. Is Ayahuasca Safe for Everyone?

  • Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine that can have profound effects on people. Although it is generally safe when used responsibly and with proper guidance, it may not be suitable for everyone.
  • We assess your physical and mental health before signing up for an ayahuasca retreat. This helps us determine if there are any contraindications or potential risks.

2. How do you ensure the safety of participants during the retreat?

  • At Home of Ayahuasca, the safety of retreat participants is a top priority. We have qualified and experienced instructors who provide personalized guidance and support throughout your retreat.
  • The retreat center maintains strict safety measures, including regular inspection and maintenance of the premises and grounds, close monitoring of the physical and emotional well-being of participants, safety procedures and training.
  • We have developed emergency procedures and evacuation plans for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

3. What precautions should I take before participating in an ayahuasca retreat?

  • We recommend following our pre-retreat preparation guidelines, which include dieting, avoiding certain medications or substances, and abstaining from sexual activity. More details on the Preparation and Rules page.
  • It is extremely important to provide accurate and detailed information about your medical history, existing medical conditions and any medications you are taking.
B. Additional information and clarification

1. Can I bring my own medications or supplements??

  • It is important to tell us about any medications or supplements you are currently taking as part of your medical assessment.
  • Our staff will evaluate whether certain medications or supplements may interfere with the effects of ayahuasca or pose any potential risks. In most cases, it is necessary to stop using pharmaceutical medications for the duration of the retreat.

2. Are there any restrictions on personal belongings during the retreat??

  • We recommend minimizing the number of valuables you take with you. Due to the high humidity in the jungle, many things can get damaged (don’t take leather items with you!).
  • Do not take with you foods that are not included in the diet during the retreat, drugs, or alcohol.
  • The use of medications and nutritional supplements is only permitted with prior approval from us prior to arrival.

3. How do you deal with emergencies or adverse reactions during a retreat?

  • Our coordinators are trained to quickly identify and respond to emergency situations.
  • We have established emergency communication channels, access to medical professionals and an evacuation plan in case of critical situations.
  • Your well-being and safety are of paramount importance and we are committed to providing appropriate care and support as needed.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about our security policies and procedures, we are available to answer them.

Before submitting your application, please read the site materials. To ensure a high quality retreat, we had to limit the number of participants. If you are planning to join our program, please reserve your place in advance.


Retreat Application Form

With privacy policy and offer agreement

Home of Ayahuasca
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