Why is it safer to drink Ayahuasca in solitude?

Why is it better to drink ayahuasca in solitude?

For a more visual explanation, let’s give an analogy with knightly armor.

Imagine that you are fighting on the battlefield. You are in knightly armor and you have a shield in your hands 🛡. You have enough strength and skill to place your shield in the right place at the moment of danger and cover yourself with it.

Think about how you will feel if you lose your shield or someone knocks it out of your hands. At a minimum, you will have to use other methods of defense, dodge or run. What if you don’t have enough skill, what if you’ve never practiced it? Difficulties await you on the battlefield, and even death.

When you take Ayahuasca, she comes and takes your shield while she is with you. It’s not scary with Ayahuasca, it will protect, show, tell, take you by the hand and become your protector and teacher for a while. She will teach you to act without shields and heavy, uncomfortable chain mail.

When Ayahuasca leaves, it will give you back all your armor, making it lighter and softer. That’s why we feel so good after an Ayahuasca retreat.

We then try to apply all the knowledge gained during the retreat in life.

Sometimes a two-week retreat is enough to gain the necessary knowledge, sometimes more time is required to communicate with the plant.

Now imagine that at the moment of communicating with the plant, when you are without armor, shield and sword, you are attacked by alien energy, which Ayahuasca is not able to cope with.

knight's shield in the Amazon jungle

This is possible at the end of an Ayahuasca session and some time after, when Ayahuasca has already done the main work and removed the protection, but the “armor” is still soft and not fully formed. It takes time for them to fit perfectly onto the changed body.

Many people have come to us who have encountered alien influences at group ceremonies. The shaman leading the ceremony may either not notice or not cope or not calculate his own strength. As a result of this “accident”, your shield may be thrown far away and you will not be able to return it after the ceremony is over.

You are left alone with this world of people on the same battlefield, but without a shield. This is another test. The most harmless thing that can happen after this is depression.

What to do? How to protect yourself and others? There is one recipe and it is the only one: Safety of space.

Before you come to meet Ayahuasca, you will hear its call within you.

The place where you will take Ayahuasca should be protected by trees, bushes, grass, a stream, a ravine. Ideally, this is the Jungle where it grows.

In the jungle, helpers such as lizards, monkeys, owls and other birds often come. The space around you is filled with magic, some kind of extraordinary magic of crystal purity, and you see and feel it.

Your meeting with Ayahuasca should be one on one, without prying eyes, no matter who it is – a shaman, friends or close relatives.

Knightly armor is only a metaphor, but it allows us to better understand what is happening at the energetic level.

Home of Ayahuasca is a pure space in the jungle where you can trust Ayahuasca and put down your knight’s armor, confident that you are safe.

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Retreats in Peru

At Home of Ayahuasca, we take a unique, non-tourist approach to working with the plant directly. This is how shamans and healers have been trained since ancient times.

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